Monday, September 12, 2005

Space Is...

The autumn lever has been thrown in San Francisco, and the chilly arctic air is rushing in. With barely a summer to remember, only fog-drenched months, bus-fare increases and power-failures, the seasons march on of their own accord.

Deadline is on at the mag, hence ForwardEver postings this week and last are as sparse as leaves on the quickly emptying trees.

However, I do have a new song or two for ye sonic astral adventurers. Hear "Special Request" (use login: dubsound), a VIP mix for the dubstep massive, which is an internet exclusive for all Dub I.D. fans. Also posted at said same link is "We Play The Music"--back catalog biz from Voltage Music (VLT-005)--but still potent dub-influenced broken rhythmz.

Thank you to all the stores and distros who supported Voltage Music's latest two releases, Douglas Pagan's "Kara Walker Variation 32" [VLT-010,] with remix pressure by Domu, which sold out its first pressing. You can still get copies of my latest outing as Double Identity ("Can't Explain" + Titonton's All On One Sunday Remix) from Groove Dis, who sell direct to DJs as well as stores.

There's a lot of music in the fall atmosphere as well. Good albums from the folky Songs of Green Pheasant, to the Charles Stepney-influenced moody soul of El Michels Affair and even a corking full length from Junior Kelly, a fierce rasta singer with a half dozen hits this year alone.

Dark skies full of resplendent stars beckon your viewing. There is more in the universe than war and destruction. And the cycles are a part of the change that heals. Start exploring. Space is...