King Jammy$, Redman Productions, Bobby Digital, Steely & Clevie Witty's, Techniques, Mr. Doo...
Those were the producers and labels doing all the ill
Casio-driven 1980s dancehall music with artists like Daddy Lizard, Wayne Smith, Admiral Bailey, Cocoa Tea, Pompidoo, Clement Irie and others.
I'll be playing a special '80s Casio-dancehall set for
Kid Kameleon's b-day this Sunday July 6 at the Transfer Bar, 198 Church Street/Market in San Francisco. It's free!
Do hope you can join us. Set times listed below...
8:15-9:00 - Kid K
9:00-9:45 - Maneesh
9:45-10:30 - Tomas
10:30-11:15 - Tones
11:15-12:00 - Subtek
12:00-12:45 - Ripley
12:45--close - Kid K